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Neem Oil


The history of Neem oil use goes back to ancient times and its medicinal properties are glorified in India for over 4000 years. Neem oil is pressed or extracted by crushing the seed kernel. The process could be cold pressing or 40 to 50 °C temperature control pressing.


  • Origin: India
  • Litre: 500 ml
SKU: 20 Category:


Remember the times when neem leaves were an unmatched remedy for every problem of the body and beyond? Irrespective of the advent of new age products and medicines, neem still holds a strong place in the world of medicine and wellness. Particularly, neem oil, extracted from the very seed (or fruit) of the tropical neem tree, also called as Azadirachta indica

The history of Neem oil use goes back to ancient times and its medicinal properties are glorified in India for over 4000 years.
Neem oil is pressed or extracted by crushing the seed kernel. The process could be cold pressing or 40 to 50 °C temperature control pressing.

  • Smoothes Wrinkles
  • Stimulates Collagen
  • Relieves Dry Skin
  • Reduces Eczema
  • Treats Psoriasis
  • Itching
  • Fights Acne
  • Removes Blackheads
  • Urticaria
  • Dandruff
  • Gastrointestinal Ailments, Ulcers
    Neem oil is considered to be a universal remedy for gastrointestinal problems.These problems occur due to disturbed pH level in the stomach and intestines.
  • Cancer
    Neem has immune boosting properties. That is the reason some patients affected by cancers, especially breast cancer, consume neem in the form of oil

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1 Litre, 5 Litre, 500 ml


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